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Dictionary Search Results using Damerau-Levenshtein distance in T-SQL

Here are the results of your fuzzy-string dictionary search forfro” with Change Limit: [1] [2]

(Change Limit cannot be increased to the length of your word, because then every letter could be different!)
to automatically increase the Change Limit after seconds.

10 similar words found! Changes to Transform each Found Word to your word are shown as:
 remove a letter ~ replace a letter ~ swap two letters ~ _add a letter from your word
(Use the links in the Changes column to see more Transformation details.)

Found WordScrabble ScoreSearched PreviouslyFound PreviouslyChangesTo Transform to your Word

Search took 1 second overall (including website activity, plus SQL activity in the following phases):

  1. Length Filter: Limit the application of DLD to words with length difference of no more than the Change Limit.
  2. DLD Change Limit: Apply DLD to each remaining word, limiting each comparison according to the Change Limit.
  3. Display Results: Return the results, with similar words marked up to highlight differences.
SeqSearch PhaseWords CheckedWords MatchedSecondsWords Per Sec
1Length Filter17869151460.0463884587.0
2DLD Change Limit5146100.09653604.2
3Display Results10100.000 
 (SQL Overall)178691100.1421258387.3